by Esnala Banda
If you really knew me you’d know that I’m a sleepyhead. I love my naps and lie ins. So catching the sunrise at Nkwashi on Sunday was a pretty big deal.
My home away from home is very bright. I have big windows and light curtains, a far cry from my black light blocking ones. (Yes, I love black so much even my curtains are black. Lol)
Waking up to the sun streaming through my window at 5:30am and not getting offended by it is a new thing. I’m not much of a morning person but seeing that beautiful lady rise was something I wasn’t going to miss. And as luck would have it, I made two for two and saw the sunset over the dam as well!
What do you do when you’re out in the middle of nowhere with beautiful views? Get some friends over and have some sundowners of course!
The major problem my friends and I have with our dear country is the lack of recreation options so the Park area at Nkwashi is one I’m ready to take advantage of.
Complete with a play park, benches and plenty of braii stands, it makes a beautiful getaway. Plus the dam is a birders paradise, but I’ll tell you more about that in another post.
Seeing is believing so take a look at these shots of the park and tell me if this isn’t worth a move out here. . .
Of course this story is incomplete without sunset pictures…
Until next time! Keep a look out for more amazing views from Nkwashi and updates on what we’re doing in the Chena AIR program.