by Esnala Banda
Hello there!
I know you’ve been wondering what we’re really up to in this program. Just to let you in on a little (open) Chena AIR secret today. Tima nkala busy! There’s so much going on at Nkwashi right now and we’re excited and here for ALL OF IT!
In between watching the artists install their finished works and get on with their works in progress, we somehow also manage to squeeze in some pretty epic photo shoot sessions.
Here’s a run down of what the last few weeks have looked like for us:
George Mubanga’s metal sculpture, The Bag Man, was installed at the gate house. Don’t forget to say hello to our ‘big man’ when you drop by Nkwashi. How many men does it take to install one sculpture you might ask, all of them as it turns out!
Mr Kingsley Kapobe’s The Acrobat is now sitting pretty at the park.
The wall murals at the park by Mr Raphael Chilufya and Mr Jeff Lungu are taking shape, can you tell??
Also our modes of transportation aren’t very conventional…
We also did a mini fashion editorial shoot with artist Nukwase Tembo.
As you can see, there’s lots to do and certainly lots to see when you pop round here. More details on our doings and goings on will be coming soon, until then, stay safe as you live your best lives!