The first ever Republican President of Zambia, Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, Father of the Zambian nation. A man who will be remembered in history, one who will never be forgotten because of his greatness, his sacrifices and his will to fight for Zambia’s independence. A great man that has made Zambia the country it is today.
It is indeed a great loss for the country and Africa at large as one of the last freedom fighters of the African land goes to rest. A man whose life we celebrate for all he was and what he did.
Nkwashi will always have a place in history for him, in a story he was a part of, the rebirth of Africa as a pioneer in leading Zambia and Africa towards independence.
We will always remember him and are privileged to have him as part our art history at Nkwashi.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda 28 April 1924- 17 June, 2021.